More about Grain Aeration - Tube Only
Add this 6' long Grain Aeration Tube to the Grain Aeration Head. The system is easy to use, just plug it into any 115-volt outlet and it pulls out large volumes of hot, damp air to keep grain cool up to a depth of 18'.
Both pieces are required, and both are sold separately.
- Harvest your grain earlier
- Remove moisture from your grain
- Remove heat & moisture when grain is heating
- Eliminate top crusting & sweating
- Stop condensation
- Cool your grain down to 45° during the winter months
This Grain Aerator Consists of 2 Parts
1. The Head, QC Part 310010, sold separately houses a 12" diameter fan with a 1/12 HP heavy-duty motor
2. 6' Tube, the top 36" is a solid pipe and the bottom 36" is a perforation pipe
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