More about Bovidr Labs Poultry NutriDrench™
Increase profits and flock production with Bovidr Labs Poultry Nutri-Drench. Formulated for all poultry to boost their immune system, it will fortify their balanced nutrition for growth, reproduction and resistance to disease before worming or medicating. Additional dietary energy assists the body's ability to absorb more efficiently.
This drench shunts directly through the stomach wall to the bloodstream, eliminating the hours it takes for digestion. Each fluid ounce contains 22,400 I.U. of Vitamin A, 5,600 I.U. of Vitamin D, 95 I.U. of Vitamin E plus thiamine, niacin, choline, trace minerals, lysine, methionine and high levels of glucose. Nutri-Drench is used for shipping stress, improving appetite, heat stress, diarrhea and poor hatchability.
- Helps with transport stress
- Antibiotic response
- Great for laying hens
- Helps with poor hatchability
- Helps with appetite
- Balanced nutrition for growth, reproduction and resistance to disease
- Raise big, healthy birds naturally
- Increase profits and flock production
- Measurable in the bloodstream in 10 minutes and 50% is absorbed within 30 minutes - 99% utilization
- Start with 4 oz per gallon of drinking water and decrease dose as needed
- Can be used with injectors/medicators/proportioners
Available Sizes
- QC Part #541606-Q - Quart Bottle
- QC Part #541606-G - Gallon Jug
Always Read & Follow Label Directions.