More about Dakota Ag Innovations Brite Plus MX Aluminum Cleaner
Brite Plus MX is an agriculturally based product designed for cleaning unpolished or painted aluminum. When used as directed, this user-friendly product is tough enough to clean dirty, stained, oxidized, pitted, or discolored aluminum surfaces without burning or clouding the aluminum. When using Brite Plus MX, a cool surface temperature at application and proper rinse are important.
Do not use on polished aluminum or stainless steel as Brite Plus MX can have a dulling effect.
- A 2.5 gallon jug will clean a 20' trailer twice
- Will clean a majority of aluminum trailers on the road
- Great for over-the-road trailers, engine compartments, SUV wheels & vans, & more!
Sizes Available:
- 2.5 gal., QC Part # 381707
- 5 gal., QC Part # 381863
How to Apply
- Using a high-pressure washer clean as much heavy soils off the trailer as possible
- Ensure surface is cool to the touch
- Spray a small area to test
- Always apply aluminum cleaner bottom to top. Do not allow to dry on the surface of the trailer
- For best results agitate with a soft brush
- Rinse with high pressure; be sure to rinse thoroughly paying special attention to grooves, rails, tops
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