More about CyLence Ultra™ Premise Spray - 240 mL
CyLence Ultra Premise Spray has broad-spectrum control of crawling, flying pests, wood infesting bugs for indoor or outdoor surfaces. Includes in and around livestock premises for dairy barns, poultry houses, swine houses, milking parlors, hospital pens, clinics, chutes and horse stables.
CyLence Ultra is a 4th generation pyrethroid which is more effective than 3rd generation insecticides. Controls insects resistant to organophoshate and carbamate acting both on contact and ingestion. Provides residual control for up to 4 weeks. CyLence Ultra is not a cholinesterase inhibitor and contains 1 lb. beta-cyfluthrin per gallon of suspension concentration.
- 240 mL tip-and-pour plastic bottle
- Mix 16 mL per 1,000 sq. ft. (produces a quicker knockdown and/or longer residual activity)
Indoor Pests Controlled:
- Crawling Pests: Ants (except Pharaoh), Bedbugs, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Cockroaches (American, Asian, German, Oriental, brown-banded, smoky brown), Crickets, Darkling Beetles, Earwigs, Firebrats, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders
- Flying Pests: Moths, Gnats, Flies, Midges, Mosquitoes, Moths, Wasps, Yellow-Jackets
Outdoor Pests Controlled: Ants, Bees, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Cecidflies, Centipedes, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Elm Leaf Beetle, Fire Ants, Firebrats, Flies, Fleas, Gnats, Ground Beetles, Hornets, Imported Red Fire Ants, Midges, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Moths, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Ticks, Wasps, Yellow-Jackets
Wood Infesting Pests: Beetles (Ambrosia, Deathwatch, False Powderpost, Old House Borer, Powderpost) Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Termites (Above ground winged Subterranean, Formosan, Drywood)
Active Ingredient: Beta-cyfluthrin — 11.8%
Contents: 240 mL bottle
Also available in a 32 mL bottle (#541611).