More about Kness Ketch-All® Multiple Catch Mousetrap
The Ketch-All Multiple Catch Mousetrap is a live mouse trap. It is safe to use around children and pets because it operates without harmful chemicals, baits, or poisons. It uses the mouse's own curiosity as bait. The trapped mice attract other mice and then trap them, too.
By following the simple operating procedures, it will provide years of proven, practical performance. It traps mice 24 hours a day and can catch multiple mice without having to be reset after each catch. Made of durable galvanized steel housing, it’s easy to clean.
- Trap will continue to catch mice as long as it is properly wound.
- Trapped mice attract other mice to the trap.
- No harmful chemicals, baits, or poisons. Safe for users & the environment.
- Appeals to mouse's harborage instincts.
- No possible contamination of products in production areas.
- For a properly wound trap, simply wind the knob on the trap until it stops.
- Trap equalizes sensitivity for trapping mice of all sizes.
- No need to unwind or reset traps; catch multiple mice without having to empty the trap.
- Easy to clean for greater sanitation.
- All Ketch-All traps are backed by a 1-year limited manufacturer warranty for parts & labor when used as directed
- Quality construction. Made from durable galvanized steel for years of use
How To Use: Place the Ketch-All trap 1½” to 2" away from and parallel to the wall, with either entrance hole facing the wall. The trap may also be placed with either end flush to the wall. The Ketch-All® live catch mouse trap uses a mouse’s natural curiosity as bait. Once a mouse enters either side of the tunnel opening, the hair trigger activates the paddlewheel, and the mouse is “spanked” into the cage compartment. Trapped mice attract other mice to the trap, and soon, the whole family of mice will be trapped with no bait, no mess, and no poisonous chemicals, thanks to this simple catch-and-release trap.
TO EMPTY: Simply slide back the top lid and pull up the end plate.
TO REUSE: After 10 to 12 catches, simply rewind the trap four to six full (360°) turns.
Weight: 2.845 lbs