More about Starbar® Prolate/LintoxHD™
Whether you use it in a spray or a backrubber, Prolate/Lintox-HD from Starbar in a quart or gallon bottle will control horn flies on non-lactating cattle and lice and sarcoptic mange mites on swine. It also kills ticks.
- Active Ingredient: Phosmet, 11.75%
- For use on cattle and swine ONLY, not for residential use on companion animals
- Controls horn flies, lice, carcoptic mange and ticks on cattle
- Controls lice and sarcoptic mange on swine
- Contains 1 lb active ingredient per gallon
- Cattle may be slaughtered 3 days after treatment; swine can be slaughtered after 1 day
Available Sizes
- QC Part #540191, Starbar Prolate/Lintox-HD - Quart
- QC Part #540192, Starbar Prolate/Lintox-HD - Gallon
Always Read & Follow Label Directions.
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