More about Synergize® Foaming Disinfectant - 5 Gallon
The industry standard in disinfection, Synergize Foaming Disinfectant is a broad spectrum germicidal activity and a track record or proven performance. This 5-gallon jug is formulated for use in animal and poultry housing facilities, turkey, breeder, grower, grow out, broiler, layer, hatcheries, and swine producing facilities as well.
Synergize is a hospital-grade, multi-purpose disinfectant-cleaner with a Quaternary ammonium/ glutaraldehyde combination active chemistry. With a single in-use dilution for all label claims and a non-corrosive formulation, Synergize is a user-friendly biosecurity product.
COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2. Synergize kills similar viruses and therefore can be used against SARS-CoV-2 when used in accordance with the directions for use against Feline Calicivirus on hard, non-porous surfaces. Refer to the CDC website at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html for additional information.
- Non-corrosive formulation
- Effective in hard or soft water
- Single usage dilution provides effective disinfection
- Ready-to-use product has a nearly neutral pH
- 1 gallon of concentrate = 256 gallons of RTU product
- Fresh pine scent
- Versatile formulation can be applied as a pressurized foam or through manual cleaning
- Non-staining formulation
- 5-gallon jug
- Active Ingredient: Quaternary Ammonium/Glutaraldehyde
- Activity: Kills both gram-negative & gram-positive bacteria, viruses & fungi
- Application: Mechanical sprayer, fogging, soaking, use in boot baths & vehicles
- EPA approved
Intended Uses: Poultry and turkey farms, hatcheries, swine operations, veal barns, equine facilities, veterinary clinics, animal care facilities, ratite facilities, calf pens, vehicles, etc.
Species: Beef, Dairy, Equine, Swine, Poultry, Sheep, Goat