More about Starbar® Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait
Use Starbar Cyanarox Insecticidal Bait in your rotation to manage fly resistance. This bait bucket can be used indoors and outdoors. Can be used indoors in a bait station and outdoors in common areas where high fly densities are most apparent.
Upon ingestion, coordinated movements of houseflies are impaired. After flying away, houseflies will experience paralysis leading to death.
- Active Ingredient: 0.5% Cyantraniliprole
- Ready-to-use granular bait
- Controls houseflies on the ground in pig farms, poultry houses, horse barns, dairy barns & on pasture
- Highly attractive fly bait
- Can be used both indoors & outdoors
- Use in rotation to manage fly resistance
- No dusting during application
- No odor
- Single pellet controls up to 95 flies
Recommended Use Rate: 3.2 oz per1,000 sq. feet; High Use Rate: 6.4 oz per 1,000 sq. feet
Application Areas
- Milking Parlors
- Broiler Houses
- Caged Layer Houses
- Loafing Sheds
- Swine Facilities
- Feedlots
Insects Controlled: House Flies
Application Methods: Granular, Scatter Bait & Bait Station
Available in a 4 lb bucket, QC Part #230416, or a 28 lb bucket, QC Part #230417
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