Top 10 Backyard Chicken Breeds: Build Your Perfect Flock - QC Supply

Top 10 Backyard Chicken Breeds: Build Your Perfect Flock

Written by: QC Supply Staff



Time to read 3 min

Choosing the right breed of chicken for your backyard involves considering various factors, such as size, appearance, temperament, and egg-laying capabilities. This guide will help you understand the key characteristics of some of the most popular chicken breeds and ensure you select the best matches for your needs. 
1. Rhode Island Reds 
Rhode Island Reds are famous for resisting cold climates and have excellent egg-laying capabilities, typically producing large brown eggs. They are a large breed with a friendly temperament, making them a staple in the backyard chicken community.  

  • Rhode Island Reds are the most productive egg layers of all dual-purpose chicken breeds, with hens laying up to 300 eggs a year.  

2. Barred Plymouth Rocks 
Barred Plymouth Rocks are easily recognizable by their striking black and white striped feathers. These birds are friendly, lay medium-sized brown eggs, and adapt well to free-ranging or confined spaces.  

  • Barred Plymouth Rocks was one of the original breeds in the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in 1874. 

3. Buff Orpingtons 
Buff Orpingtons are known for their fluffy buff-colored feathers and gentle nature, which are ideal for families with children. They are good layers of medium to large light brown eggs and handle colder climates well, making them a popular choice for many backyard flocks. 

  • Buff Orpingtons are one of the larger breeds, with adult hens reaching approximately 7 to 8 pounds and roosters weighing around 8 to 10 pounds.  

4. Easter Eggers 
Easter Eggers are hybrid breeds of chickens that can lay various egg colors, from blue to green and sometimes even pink. While the color doesn’t affect eggs’ taste or nutritional qualities, picture-perfect shades are always a big hit in retail.  

  • The Easter Eggers’ egg color can be somewhat predicted by the color of the hen's earlobes, though it's not always a foolproof method.

5. Cream Legbars 
Cream Legbars are another excellent choice for picturesque eggs, as they consistently lay in blue and teal shades. The breed has a distinctive appearance with a crest of feathers on their heads and is known for being active foragers.  

  • Cream Legbars are one of the few auto-sexing breeds, meaning you can tell the gender of the chicks immediately after they hatch. 

6. Speckled Sussex 
The Speckled Sussex, with its speckled feather pattern that becomes more pronounced as they age, is a breed that thrives on human interaction. These chickens are versatile, lay medium to large brown eggs, and are excellent foragers in a free-range setting. 

  • Sussex chickens were originally bred for the royal tables of England, valued for both their eggs and high-quality meat. 

7. Barred Rock 
Barred Rock chickens are an all-American barred-feather variety of Barred Plymouth Rocks, with their names often used interchangeably. This breed has sturdy, reliable egg layers with a calm demeanor that makes them perfect for beginners. Barred Rocks lay a good number of large brown eggs and can thrive in various environmental conditions.  

  • With breed origins dating back to the 1800s, Barred Rock hens are naturally broody, provided they have enough space and a comfortable environment.  

8. Silkie 
Known for their unique fluffy plumage that feels like silk, Silkies are smaller in size and come in various colors. While not the most prolific egg layers, they lay small to medium white eggs with sufficient consistency. Their calm and friendly nature makes them a favorite among pet chicken keepers. 

  • Silkies’ peculiar look doesn’t stop at extravagant plumage, with vibrant turquoise ear lobes and dark blue skin. 

9. Leghorn 
Leghorns are impressive egg layers with large white eggs. Although highly popular among backyard chicken keepers, they are a lighter breed, which makes them more sensitive to cold weather but excellent for warmer climates. 

  • The Looney Tunes character Foghorn Leghorn is based on this breed, specifically accentuating its spirited and vocal nature. 

10. Wyandotte 
Wyandottes are a beautifully patterned breed with great temperament and good egg-laying capacity, usually producing light brown eggs. The breed has many plumage color variations, often with a pronounced dark feather outline.  

  • Wyandottes are exceptionally resistant to harsh winters with their heavy bodies and thick feathering, making them great year-round layers.

Succeed with any breed 
When selecting from these breeds of chicken for your backyard, consider the specific needs of your environment and your personal preferences in egg production, egg color, and chicken temperament. Remember, a well-chosen flock is more than just eggs and meat—it’s a wonderful source of enjoyment and companionship. 
Get everything you need for your backyard flock here.

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