More about COOLstock ECONOcool™ Cooling System Controller w/Solenoid Valve
(ECS500) Designed as a simple, economical solution for abating heat stress in hog facilities, the ECONOcool can be installed by the end-user or professionals. Ideal for existing barns or retrofits, ECONOcool requires very minimal structural modifications, resulting in less downtime.
Very simple to program, it utilizes 3 control knobs; one to set the start temp; one to set the on-time duration of the emitters, and one to set the off/interval time between cycles. The ECS500 comes with a solenoid valve.
Versatile enough to be used in other agricultural situations; such as dairy utilizing soakers or misters and poultry utilizing misters. The ECONOcool Controller is the most economical, user-friendly cooling controller available. Rugged and durable to provide years of dependable control. Designed for ease of use, it has been proven for decades and is the indisputable master of simplicity.
- Easy to install & operate
- Economical
- Remote 1" solenoid
- 115 volt
- 2-year manufacturer warranty
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