More about Country Vet® CV-80D Fly Spray
The instant knockdown Country Vet® CV-80D Fly Spray kills and repels a variety of flying insects. Very effective against Asian Beetles. For use in beef cattle operations, dairy farms, milkrooms, poultry houses, barns, and stables. Use as premise spray or directly on animal.
- Active Ingredient: 0.50% Pyrethrins and 4% piperonyl for quick kill
- Contains no CFCs
- Use as a premise spray or directly on animal
Kills & Repels: Flies, mosquitoes, moths, wasps, hornets, gnats, cockroaches, ants, fleas, spiders, crickets, deer flies, barn flies, stable flies, horse flies, horn flies, house flies, face flies, fruit flies, lice, centipedes, clover mites, cluster flies, mud daubers, asian beetles.
- Beef Cattle Operations
- Dairy Farms
- Hog & Swine Operations
- Barns
- Stables
- Livestock Premises
- Milk Rooms
- Poultry Houses
Contents: 18.5 oz can
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