More about Darlex® Incsecticide - 1 Gallon
Darlex Incsecticide is designed to control darkling beetles, also known as lesser mealworms, and hide beetles in poultry operations. It can be used as a crack and crevice, general surface, or spot treatment applied to the interior and along the outside perimeter of poultry houses.
Features & Benefits
- Active ingredient is Clothianidin
- Controls adult and larvae darkling beetles
- For broadcast and band applications
- Specially formulated for poultry operations
- Easy to use
- Do not apply this product that will contact anyone. Only protected handlers may be in the area during the application
- Do not apply using a mechanically-pressurized handgun
- Do not apply when birds are present
When to apply: Apply after de-caking, clean out and sanitation procedures are complete but prior to new flock placement. Treat houses prior to remove of litter to prevent infestation of nearby residences.
Mixing Instructions: Mix 4 fl. oz. in 1/2 to 2 gallons of water to treat 1,000 sq. ft. Fill the sprayer with half of the water to be used, add the appropriate amount of Darlex and add the remaining water while agitating or mixing.