More about HotRod Septic Treatment - 16 oz/6 Month Treatment
Made to tackle grease, fats, oils, paper, salts, organic matter, even petroleum products found in animal confinement facilities, so HotRod Septic Treatment will easily handle your home septic system.
- 16 oz bottle is good for 6-months of treatment
- 1,500 gallon tank rated
- Adds Bacteria & Enhances the growth of bacteria that degrades waste in septic systems & drain fields
- Digests grease, fats, oils, paper, salts, organic matter, even petroleum products
- Reduces Odors Safe on all septic systems, pipes & plumbing systems
- Improves percolation of the soil by digesting the bio-blanket & salt in the leach field
- Patented Technology
- Lowers contamination possibilities associated with the discharge
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