More about MicroZone™ Heat Lamp & Heat Mat MC100 Controller
The rugged and compact MicroZone™ Heat Lamp and Heat Mat Control (#MC100) automatically maintains the correct thermal environment to reduce pre-wean losses. Each controller has its own temperature sensor to accurately monitor the piglets' environment. You set the temperature control band and the desired temperature drop per day (power ramp) and this controller does the rest.
One unit manages up to 12 power modulators. At 120 VAC, each power modulator controls up to 1,920 Watts of heat lamps or mats.
This easy-to usecontroller lowers your electric costs with savings of more than 20% and extends the life of your equipment. In addition to the rapid payback with the energy savings, it will also reduce your labor costs.
Our experts will help you design your system. Call 800.433.6340 for more information.