More about Motomco Jaguar® Rodenticide Pellet Bait Bucket - 12 lbs.
Especially successful in cleaning out tough rat and mice infestations, Motomco Jaguar Rodenticide Pellet Bait is just what you need when warfarin resistance is suspected. Mold and moisture-resistant, this pellet bait can kill rats and mice in a single feeding. Contains Brodifacoum, the strongest single-feeding anticoagulant available. For use in and around agricultural buildings only.
- Single feed anticoagulant
- Time to Death: 4-5 days
- Controls tough rat and mouse problems
- Loose pellets for burrow baiting
Also Available
- 9 lb. Bucket Chunx®, QC Part #230135
- 18 lb. Bucket Chunx®, QC Part #230137
- 8 lb. Bucket of Place Pacs, QC Part #230133
- 16 lb. Bucket of Soft Bait, QC Part #230122
Active Ingredient Brodifacoum is a highly lethal vitamin K antagonist anticoagulant poison. In recent years, it has become one of the world's most widely used pesticides. It is typically used as a rodenticide but is also used to control larger mammalian pests such as opossums. it is characterized as a "second generation" or "superwarfarin" anticoagulant. Brodifacoum steadily decreases the level of active vitamin K in the blood. Vitamin K is required for the synthesis of important substances including prothrombin, which is involved in blood clotting. This disruption becomes increasingly severe until the blood effectively loses any ability to clot.