More about Pest-A-Cator® 1000 Rodent Repelling Aid
Specially designed for use in smaller homes or buildings with a 1,000 square footage or less, the Pest-A-Cator 1000 Rodent Repelling Aid uses electromagnetic technology to repel and annoy rodents. This device connects through the neutral wire of a standard electrical outlet and sends a pulsing signal throughout the wiring of your home. This "phase shift" is the primary reason this technology affects pets and rodents. It functions by broadcasting an electromagnetic signal in a pulsing fashion with an on-off cycle in order to avoid the numbing effect of a constant sensory stimulus. Multiple units are needed for multiple stories.
- Completely maintenance free
- No dead animals
- No chemicals
- No traps that require removal of dead or dying animals
- Safe for use around children and household pets (except gerbils, hamsters and other rodent-type pets)
Application Tips:
- Don't leave doors, windows, basements, and garage doors open as new rodents or pests may wander in briefly before they are affected and repelled by the unit
- Avoid leaving human, animal, or pet food supplies in open areas, which can attract new rodents or pests before they are affected by the unit
- When transferring food supplies, grains, animal feed, etc. from outside supply areas, take special care not to carry new rodents or pests into the area being protected by the unit
- Even though occasional new rodents or pests may wander briefly into the affected area, they will not stay long until being irritated and repelled by the unit
- During the initial clean-up period, an increase in activity may be noticed as the unit is driving the rodents and pests out of the walls where they nest
- For areas without adequate wiring (such as attics or basements), better coverage may be obtained by plugging in a heavy-duty extension cord and securing it around the perimeter or along the rafters and then plugging a Pest-A-Cator into the extension cord
For large single-level dwellings, we recommend using the Pest-A-Cator® Plus 2000, QC Part #230351, sold separately.