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Pressure Regulator - Model 1849

3 total reviews

SKU: QC Part #120173 | MFR # 2362-1849
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More about Pressure Regulator - Model 1849

Ideal for swine and poultry nipple waterers, QC Supply's Pressure Regulator features a top quality pressure reducer that won't restrict water flow, even at low pressure settings. In-line. Model 1849.


  • Reduces incoming water pressure
  • Delivers constant and even water supply
  • Helps reduce water waste
  • Easy to install, maintain and adjust

Features of the Model 1849:

  • 3/4" MPT x 3/4" MPT
  • Adjusts from 5-14 PSI
  • Includes gauge
  • Inline

Caution: Do not allow this item to come in contact with petroleum, phenol or aldehyde-based products, or any other corrosive product in general

Available Pressure Regulators

QC Part # Model # Thread Size PSI
120160* 101 3/4" MGHT x 3/4" FPT 3-10
120162 970 3/4" MPT x 3/4" MPT 10-25
120168 1396 1 1/4" MPT x 1 1/4" MPT 10-25
120169* 102 3/4" MGHT x 3/4" FPT 0.5-2.1
120171 1825 3/4" MPT x 3/4" MPT 3-10
120172 1856 1 1/4" MPT x 1 1/4" MPT 3-10
120173 1849 3/4" MPT x 3/4" MPT 5-14

*Non Inline Reducers

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
1849 pressure regulator

Going on 2 years. Works perfect @4psi for my plasson waterers for my 60 chickens. Withstands the 14 degree nights and 105 degree Texas weather.

1849 Regulator

Used this for my small chicken house.I have 4 Plasson auto waters that operate on 5 PSI....this Regulator works perfect to feed all waterers at same time.Should have installed this years ago...Thx QC

Mark-Navasota TX
Excellent Product

I bought the Pressure regulator 120173 to use with the 275033 Plasson Brand Drinker for my chickens. I had the unit for a year and a half so far and it has worked perfectly. It lasted through a few Houston area freezes without me wrapping it with insulation(in the 20's). I am very happy with this product.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
1849 pressure regulator

Going on 2 years. Works perfect @4psi for my plasson waterers for my 60 chickens. Withstands the 14 degree nights and 105 degree Texas weather.

1849 Regulator

Used this for my small chicken house.I have 4 Plasson auto waters that operate on 5 PSI....this Regulator works perfect to feed all waterers at same time.Should have installed this years ago...Thx QC

Mark-Navasota TX
Excellent Product

I bought the Pressure regulator 120173 to use with the 275033 Plasson Brand Drinker for my chickens. I had the unit for a year and a half so far and it has worked perfectly. It lasted through a few Houston area freezes without me wrapping it with insulation(in the 20's). I am very happy with this product.

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