More about SaniStride® STRIDE Low Profile 1/2" Mat System
The Low Profile SaniStride STRIDE Mat System in only 1/2" deep with 4" wide surround ramps, making it easy for people to get on and off of it. Long enough to take two strides while crossing, just like the original STRIDE system. It comes with a rubber runner and a insert. Disinfectants are sold separately, see below for suggestions.
At just 1/2" in height, with 4" wide ramps surrounding the 34" x 18" sanitizer wet surface, the STRIDE Low Profile (LP) Mat was specifically designed for the ease of entry and exit while pushing a cart across it to disinfect the cart wheels as well as the user's shoes. The height of the LP mat could possibly fit below the swing clearance of some interior doors to straddle the entrance/exit passageway.
Even at 1/2", it still delivers a very thorough saturation of sanitizer deep into the treads and crevices of footwear, effectively reaching the germs lodged there. If you have higher foot traffic, or a heavy industrial or commercial area, especially in food production, it is recommended to use the original STRIDE 1" system, QC Part #250320.
The low profile of this system provides simple shoe sanitizing possibilities for many applications, especially in the public arena, as it is very effective at diminishing cross-contamination of germs when used as directed.
Possible Applications
- Hospital public entrance & medical exam/treatment/quarantine rooms, surgery & emergency room entrances & any industrial foot bath use
- Entrances to doctor, dental, veterinary medical/treatment centers & offices
- Laboratory, pharmacy, computer high-tech interior & exterior doorways
- Sports/training facility and locker room entries & exits
- Research center clean room entrances & interior passageways
- Restaurant entries & passageways between kitchen to service & customer areas
- Restroom exits
- Airport security, terminal & airline entry points
- Cruise ship entry & kitchen/service entry/exit
- Office buildings
- Police & fire/rescue station entrances
Simple Sanitizer Mat Clean-Up
- Simply flush/rinse the insert & base mat with clean water in a utility sink or with a hose
- Stand or hang the insert on-end to drain the water quickly & drip-dry overnight
- If you desire/need to use the system 24/7, you will want to order a replacement insert, QC Part #250334, with your initial order - it is needed to the cleaning rotation process as one will need to drip overnight
- Do NOT put the insert in an extractor, washer or dryer as they will destroy the insert & its inner material
Charging the STRIDE Low Profile Mat System
- Dilute the quaternary concentrate or other non-chlorine concentrate by mixing the specified quantity of concentrate with 1 gallon of water. Please follow dilution rates per the manufacturer’s label. Typically a ratio of 1-2 oz of concentrate per gallon of water. Ready to use sanitizers (already diluted with water) can be added directly to the mat, but are very expensive to use in the SaniStride Systems
- Set the STRIDE system on top of a 4’ x 6′ min, or larger dry mat in the place where it is to be used. The dry mat will protect the flooring from effects of prolonged exposure to the sanitizer, as well as help prevent slipping & falls as the bottoms of the shoes will be very wet when exiting the STRIDE mat and will need to be wiped dry. You can also place a smaller dry mat at the enter/exit side of the SaniStride mat to dry shoes when floor finish is not a concern.
- Pour 1/2 a gallon of diluted sanitizer slowly onto the insert directly at the start of charging. It will take a few minutes for the liquid to disperse throughout the entire insert. Once the initial liquid settles, pour the remaining liquid onto the insert - the Low Profile system can hold a maximum of 108-114 fluid ounces. Let this settle again, being careful to not overcharge the system, as doing so will likely cause splashing & overflow over the base mat walls and onto the floor.
Due to Evaporation & Shoe Wicking the amount of sanitizer in the STRIDE systems will need to be assessed for proper saturation from day to day by noticing a slight puddle around the outside of the shoe sole when stepped on. If a puddle is not apparent, add a half quart and retest. Add more until slight puddle reappears around sole being careful not to overcharge.
Ask Your Chemical Supplier or Manufacturer how long the sanitizer will be effective once exposed to air and the contact time necessary to achieve the effectiveness of the sanitizer. Adding sanitizer as needed day to day will assist in keeping up the potency of the chemical to a certain extent, but a complete clean out will need to be performed at regular intervals. Check the labels for this information as well
Rinse Insert With Clean Water by hose or in a utility sink and stand on end to drip dry over night before recharging. DO NOT put the insert in a dryer or extractor as these machines will damage the insert.
Insert color may vary from photo