More about Space-Ray® Infrared Brooder - LP
Made of stainless steel, the Space-Ray Infrared Brooder - Liquid Propane, spreads heat directly to the ground in a circular pattern where heat is needed most. Ideal for poultry and swine confinement heating, the stainless steel burner system modulates from low to high burns as needed for increased fuel efficiency. Its two-orifice system maintains clean combustion at both input levels. Features a double gas burner system that combusts dust and carbon to help prevent build-up, eliminating the need for air filters. Air filters, sold separately, are available for harsh environments. The thermostatically controlled modulating control panel can handle up to 40 brooders.
Also Available: Natural Gas Space-Ray® Infrared Brooder, QC Part #22207
If using zone controls, you will need a panel to run the brooder(s). This is not necessary if you are using the standard stove with individual thermostats.
Additional Details:
- Input Rating: High: 17,100 BTU/hr. Low: 2,559 BTU/hr.
- 5 PSI Pressure
- Installation Height: 48" - 60"
- Canopy Diameter: 16.7"
- Net Weight: 4.75 lbs.
- Gas Consumption: 0.19 GPH
- Pig Coverage: Up to 170 Pigs
- Broiler Coverage: Up to 1,500 Broilers
- Turkey Coverage: Up to 500 Turkeys